

Non-Violent Communication -  Explore the basics of non-violent communication and moving through conversation without blaming. Irene Bowers has had significant experience in leading groups through the precepts of non-violent communication and will share her expertise.

Mission Budget -  Learn how to tell the story of your ministry through your budget. Help your congregation and your community get excited about how you are changing lives by living out the gospel message. This webinar will give you tools and steps to take to build your own Mission Based Narrative Budget.

The World Cafe -  The World Café is a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter. Based on the understanding that conversation is the core process that drives personal, business, and organizational life (including the church!), the World Café is more than a method, a process, or technique - it's a way of thinking and being together sourced in a philosophy of conversational leadership.

Redeeming The Past -  We all have regrets in life, in fact, the two great thieves of the present are guilt about the past and fear about the future. Guilt and fear together can paralyze us and prevent us from becoming who God has called us to be and can rob us of the power to do what God has called us to do. Dick Hamm has "been there and back" and will help us think through these dynamics and how we can move forward in life and ministry with joy and energy. Dick HAMM

Church Type - This webinar looks at five types of congregations--Perfecting, Pursuing, Preparing, Providing, and Presiding. It will help you understand these congregations, figure out which one you are, and help you know how to move to the type you desire to be. George Bullard has crafted and refined this congregational typology over the past two decades and will lead this webinar.

Church Treasurer

Role Of Elder

Missional Church

10 Temptations

Appreciative Inquiry

Difficult Conversations

Choose Whom You Will Serve- Constitution or Jesus Christ

Building Use

Church Conflicts

From Our Doorstep Webinar - Rev. Dr. Janet Long

Being intentional about creating a culture of reaching out makes all the difference! From hands-on service to building a budget, ideas for cultivating a response to the needs of others will be shared.

MissionInsite Webinar - Rev. Peter Wernett

This will be an introduction to the Mission Insite website and give some tools for interpreting this material so that meaningful ministries to the community can be developed.

Going Deep Webinar - Rev. Michael Doerr

What are the character traits of deep people in faith? How does a congregation discover and cultivate deeper people, and then empower them to ministry? How crucial is it that the person who holds leadership office be a person of deep faith and character? In our Webinar on April 17th, I will share a vision for developing spiritual depth in congregational leadership, and together we'll talk through the journey toward being congregations that really develop fully devoted followers of Jesus. Hint: the work begins in the Pastor's heart.

Growing Disciples Event Webinar -

Event Recorded at Growing Disciples Seminar at Disciples Christian Church in Cleveland Heights.  Rev. Dr. Randy Spleth, minister of Geist Christian Church in Indianapolis, IN is the speaker.

Getting a Handle on Church Transformation Webinar - Rev. Dr. William McConnell


Evangelism Webinar

Bill Tenny-Brittian will give a review of his previous webinar and give us much more time for discussion.

Into to Regional Transformation

Rev. Dr. Bill Edwards explaining what the Regional Transformation initiative is all about. (From 2010 Regional Assembly) 

Ministry Plans Webinar - Rev. Dr. Rick Morse

Rick Morse is the author of the book 'From Our Doorsteps: Developing a Ministry Plan That Makes Sense.' 

Recreating The Church Webinar - Rev. Dr. Dick Hamm

Rick Hamm discusses his book "Recreating the Church."

Transformation Event at Regional Assembly 2010 - Rev. Kris Eggert

Kris Eggert shares her experience as a Transformational Pastor

Stewardship Webinar - Rev. Bruce Barkhauer

Participants in this workshop explore the biblical foundations for Stewardship with specific focus on the fiscal aspects of this spiritual discipline.  Geared toward those who have responsibility in encouraging others in the practice of generosity, we explore the meaning of being generous and the transformative power generosity has for healing and wholeness in a fragmented world.

Transformational Leadership Webinar  Rev. Dr. Bill McConnell

Bill McConnell shares what it means to be a Transformational Leader and guides one though those characteristics one must have.

Who Are We Now Webinar - Rev. Dr. Glenn Carson

Glenn Carson share his understanding of who the Disciples are NOW. 


Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

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6654 Main Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 555-7856